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Harry Stottal


I once met old Harry Stottal,
a bricky from down Hackney Marsh.
He didn't much care for tory politics,
so spoke of Maggie in words most harsh.

As far as his philosphy of life went,
we'd no need for any more toffs,
yet they were mostly the folk he built for,
even though their way of life made him cross.

He drove an old van with just one seat,
for the other had got i...

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The Skip Let Something In

                         The Skip Let Something In



            Just who did you let in?

When tribes existed peacefully for centuries

Just who did you let in?


            Listen in Mother Earth

And listen in good,

They’re turning hookers of your daughters

And making killers of your sons,

They’re populating concrete

Where once were trees and f...

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Seek and you shall find....


i will not be scorched
by the flame of another
i shall keep my fire
fueled only by the pure
kindling found deep
within the terrain
of my wooded home

the sun shall bring
enough light by day
and a torch well-lit
shall provide steady
footsteps to tread
the dark by night

[as I search for what
I cannot find or name]

no light save by the moon

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