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Prize Winners

1st Prize (£400):

  • ‘Cantabank' by Jane Burn

2nd prize (£150):

  • 'Chad' by RM Francis

3rd Prize (£25) x 3:

  • ‘The Uffingham White Horse’ by Jacqueline D’Auban

  • ‘Driving by Moonlight’ by Colin Little

  • ‘Tranquility’ by Catherine Edmunds

Shortlisted Poets

Other shortlisted poets (to appear in anthology) are:

Amber Rollinson
Beth McDonough
Christopher James
Christopher M James
Claire Lynn
Estelle Price
George Amabile
Glen Wilson
Ian Patterson
Janet Lees
Jeff Phelps
Jennifer Wong
Jeri Onitskansky
Joanna Sedgwick
John Foggin
John Sewell
Julia Webb
Keith Chandler
Laura Taylor
Liam Bates
Lisa Reily
Lucy Crispin
Nancy Charley
Neil Leadbeater
Nikki Seren
Paul Francis
Paul Stephenson
Rob Walton
Sam Hickford
Sarah Dale
Sharon Ashton
Stephen Clarke
Susan Taylor

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