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"Just a Boy" - Toyosi Shittabey Memorial Poem

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This is the kind of poem a poet wishes that they did not have to write... this is the kind of poem that gives a poet the reason to write, its why God gave us the ability to write.

A Nigerian immigrant was murdered on the streets of Dublin, Ireland on Good Friday last. This poem is my reaction to the tragedy...



He was full of life
Every mothers pride and joy
All and everything ahead of him
He was just a boy...
Defending a friend, as all friends do
He took to the heart a knife
And in his arms of that friend
He took the last breaths of life

Is this to what Ireland has sunk
What is it in the hearts within
The scum?: for scum they are
Who kill others over colour of skin
They forget, perhaps they did not know
That in England not long ago
Signs of No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish
In adverts and B&B windows did show

As a nation as a people
With his loss, we are poorer
We need more of his type among our own
And of that nothing is surer.
Not for him a life of crime
He took and made the most of what he had
And nurtured his talents with the soccer ball
Till others decreed him bad

What chance had he, a mere child
Against a fully grown man?
Does this us proud to be Irish make
How has this hatred began
In a land with a history of persecution
Over race, language and faith
Its compassion and hard work, not hatred
That will make Ireland once more great.


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Hatred in the Heart of Olde England ►


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Wed 7th Apr 2010 00:01

I think that more traditional lilting irish background music might have gone better with the message of the poem, Tomas. The words and message are so powerful and sad, reminding us that dark side of humanity exists in every race - no matter its colour, no matter its history.

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winston plowes

Tue 6th Apr 2010 23:00

hi Tomas... liked the vid and the poem. Have lookrd st s few of your picture/word/music combinations and think you have done a great job. More difficult that it seems. Please keep posting the links on here Win x

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