The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Win a Trip of a Lifetime to Reykjavik

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Write Out Loud are pleased to announce our first ever annual poetry competition.  And for this inaugural competition, we have teamed up with Polar Foils Ltd, the foremost aerospace and domestic metalworking company based in Todmorden Lancashire, to offer you what else but an all-inclusive weekend break in Rejkavik, together with a trip to the North Pole itself.

All you have to do is write a poem (max. 20 lines) in the comment box below on this year's theme.  And this year's theme (chosen by Polar Foils Ltd Marketing Director Olaf Porlis) is:


Winners will be announced on Friday 30th April and there are two runners up prizes of £50 each.

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Tony Walsh

Wed 28th Apr 2010 22:55

Oh, I get it! :-(

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Tony Walsh

Wed 28th Apr 2010 22:51


So the TV gave a warning that the snowy clouds are forming

And they said it's global warming but it's feeling cold to me!

And the wind is really blowing and “Yippee! it's started snowing!”

So I think that we'll be going to the park, my Mum and me

We'll be turning off our tellies, putting warm food in our bellies

and then pulling on our wellies - we like sledging when it snows

And with so much lovely snowfall we can roll a giant snowball

'Til our snowman starts to grow tall with a carrot for his nose!

And we'll meet with my friend Billy, we can giggle and be silly

We'll get cold and wet and chilly and throw snowballs at our Mums!

And then when the big park closes we'll go home to blow our noses

And we'll warm our frozey toesies and we'll dry our soggy bums!

© Tony Walsh 2009

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 22nd Apr 2010 11:18

The penguins are on the march again
blowing their own trumpets
The seal lions follow
going all gallumphy
(that's what seal ions do best!)

The whales sing so sweet
it makes me want to cry.
A voice so pure and tiny
and delicate as fallen snow
(listen to Hatta's audio).

And then with a crystalline flourish
their yawning over for another year
come the stomping pawing and carousing!
Come the lovely polar bear!!!

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Clare Kirwan

Mon 19th Apr 2010 16:59

This is a kids one, and a bit Christmassy for April, but here goes:

When it Snowed Inside

On Christmas Eve I wished and wished: ‘Oh let it snow tonight!’
But then it snowed inside the house – I hadn’t got it right!
I woke up in a blizzard and out of bed I leapt
and ran to tell my mum and dad - but mum and dad still slept:
both snoring little flurries as snow up covered their bed,
so I put my best wellies on and went to find my sled.
As I tobogganed down the stairs the snowflakes softly fell
in drifts against the banisters and in the hall as well.
The living room was inches deep. I crunched towards the tree
that hung with real icicles - so very Christmassy.
I heard my sister getting up. I heard her saying: ‘Oh!’
and landing in the stairwell in a giant ball of snow.
When dad came skiing into view he didn’t even shout
but went and found us spades so we could dig our presents out.
The kitchen was an igloo with slush upon the floor
then, oh my gosh, we were awash after of a sudden thaw.
But all the food was frozen and so for Christmas lunch
mum gave us turkey lolly ices, sprouts that we could crunch.
Dad called out for a pizza (deep pan), crisps and even
nicer than sprouts and so I hope the snow’s not leaving!

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Mon 19th Apr 2010 11:45


‘Hey what are you doing?
Look out your window it’s snowing
(Do you know I love you?)
Amazing white faeries are floating down’

‘Oh yes it’s beautiful,
And thanks, I went outside to see,
(Yes I know you love me,)
Thanks for the text
(I know, so sad I don’t love you in return)

My tears are silently falling
Drifts of losing you pile upon my heart

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 19:09


I’ve hollowed out a penguin
To make a lantern
The penguin’s giblets remain alive
Inside a donor-organ-box-style igloo

There’s also a polar bear standard lamp
And several seal bedside anglepoises

I’ve lowered one or two fish flashlights back beneath
The ice hole
The pop-up whale lighthouse stranded on a floe
Guttered a month back
But its foghorn function persists

(your penguins have welsh rarebit awaiting them in the Antarctic Cafe -- plush a slush puppy each).

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:46

The penguins march
in their jolly bouncy way!
They've got cheese on toast for supper,
their favourite, today!
And all will be alright
now that Hatta's back in town.
And the little whales start to sing.
"oooh Ooooh! can we have some cheese

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:29

Oh, I love your snow poem, Ms Foxglove! The penguins are strong and resolute they deserve eternal snow.

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:23

The polar bears
are out in force tonight.
They're on patrol.
They pace.
The little penguins are
all over the place.
Because the polar bears
are out in force tonight.
It's a no-go zone
in the snow-go zone.
And the ozone is in denial.
It's been a while
since the penguins
stood their ground.
But stand their ground they must!
Til all the snow heats up
and turns
to dust, dust, dust.

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:13

Carol Ann Duffy is muffled tonight

By the snow

She employs a number of session drummers

To run around her shattering the flakes with their drumsticks

She has fetched along her local GP

A Mekon-fingured

Trotter-footed cavaliere

Called Adenoid Still 

He's pinned frills and flounces to his stethoscope

He's listening to Carol Ann Duffy tinkering

With the pupils of her eyes

Adding printer ink from a glass dropper

Floating tiny snowballs over her irises

Poetry is a lady

With buttocks surgically realigned with her stomach 
Poetry is a man with an air kiss rifle

He aims, he shoots

Moi moi moi moi moi 

The sound of his weapon is like a rice paper canoe

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:12

SNOW MARK 2 (translated from the Icelandic)

Hey wake up you solids!

The shrimps are shovelling snow from your path

Like polar bears' fur and optic fibre, they are see-through

Turning pink only when cooked or embarrassed

Hey, buy these snap-on rounded protectors

In cotton rich kevlar and pop them on the snowflakes


The snowflakes' needle-ended ice shafts

Have been shared by cloud squatting drug users to inject

Christmas between their toes

I have a tin of snowburps

Would you like one?

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 6th Apr 2010 18:10


King Cong is anti-monogomy & anti-mahogany,

working as an unqualified doctor

In a hospital made from snow and ice

His broad chest is home to several operating theatres

Each of his fingers is a separate ward

His feet are the pathology labs and his toes the mortuary blocks

He is suffering from hypothermia

The snowflake flurries are as lethal as the strafing planes

That dislodged him from the Empire State building

Like a hundred tonne nightfall

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