The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Musicathon Writers Needed

entry picture

The ELFM Musicathon ’10 is 24 hours of live, non-stop music and words, that starts at 3pm on Saturday, 1st May. Brought to you by ELFM – The East Leeds Community radio station.

Twenty-four writers are needed – one for each hour of the broadcast, to write a poem or piece relating to that time of the day or night.

There is a meeting about the Musicathon on Tuesday, 23rd March at 5.30pm at the Seacroft Chapel, Old York Road, Seacroft in East Leeds. If you want to be involved but can’t make the meeting, then get in touch with them - Peter on 075900 28327.

And you can listen to last year’s Musicathon by visitng ELFM’s website at:

◄ Essex Poetry Festival Competition

Buxton Poetry Competition ►

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