The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Heat Wave

We may all love the summer weather,
And some may be obsessive
But we have such heat right now
That it is incredibly oppressive.

And while it should be nice and pleasant
Right now the heat is too extreme,
And the boiling hot Sun we suffer here
Is one of the greatest we have seen.

We puff and pant and are soaked with sweat,
Thinking: 'How much hotter can this get?'
Or 'if only I could find some nice cool air'
Or 'O this heat I cannot bear.'

In this heat wave that we all endure
We would even prefer the rain to pour
And we think, as it makes us immensely weary,
'If only it was cooler we would be more cheery.'


Stuart VannerHeat WaveSummerThe SunWeather

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Don Matthews

Wed 28th Aug 2019 00:19

If it were not
For up/down weather
We'd have nothing to talk about
Whatever, whatever.....

etc etc.........?

Ghazala Lari

Tue 27th Aug 2019 18:24

True! Weather plays a pertinent role in our attitude, behaviour and feelings.?

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