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Competition closes in 58 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dear Dermot

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Well, here we all are again in the letters page of the March Edition of Write Out Side Now Car Park Fight, the friendly low fat magazine of Write Out Loud and what a month it's not yet been. St Patrick's day hasn't yet passed off quietly without incident and a number of issues in the poetry world are yet to present themselves.

One issue that will, we confidently predict, arise around the fourth half of the month is that of whether or not the um bongo adverts (whilst undoubtedly poetic) weren't just a little bit racist in their reduction of African Congolese languages and cultures to little more than wardrums in the jungle together with the ubiquitous definite article "um" such as appears in Little Plumb in the Beano.  But anyway, how far we poets have come from those um bongo adverts, hey. 

Another issue that is bound to crop up is poet laureates; do they work?  Are there too many of them? Are there not enough?  I mean, there's a Poet Laureate for England (and specifically the Royal household), then there's your regional poet laureates, and then there's your shadow poet laureate, whom I think is a bit ganged up on if you ask me given the number of poet laureates on the other side of the house... but anyway, I guess what I'm really asking is should there be regional shadow poet laureates? What do you think?

Your views on these or any other poetic issues are greatly appreciated and you can even bring Ezra Pound's association with Italian fascism and Thomas Stearns Eliots peculiarities, or Andrew Motion's comments on standing down from his post of Poet Laureate and Seamus Heaney's riposte to the notion that he might be asked.


Pleas send your letters to


Pecularly named individual writes:



Please accept my gratitude for the March edition of your magazine. Such erudition!


Hatta is brilliant. She has rewritten the rules of… well, English. Didn’t understand a word of it. Marvellous!


Darren’s review of the Howcroft, so graphic it was like, well, it was almost like he was actually there. I was saying to Alan Grey as he popped in to see his libel lawyer. Gotta laugh.


And the astrol… stars thingy; so accurate! It all ACTUALLY HAPPENED to me. OK, that was Taurus and I am Gemini, but you accidentally transposed them, right?


Michael Murray (that his stage name?)! Brilliant. All those big words – iambic progeny - and stuff no-one previously knew (or cared?) about: A thigh is the eventual result of a tight thought. My favourite bit. Almost.


Freda Sowerby all crumpled like a poem, superb. The masked wotsit on stress and rhythm in proctology.


What an unusual zine! What breathlessness of fresh air. I truly hope you get what you deserve. Keep up the good work (drop the rest).


Any chance of a future item: Sylvia Plath on the health and safety aspects of baking?


Oh and please could each article have links to the others at the side for when we get bored and want to move on? Well, if.


Yours aye


Ma Chair


And Miss Foxglove (who also has an unusual name) writes:

Oi Glennon

Just to say I love Poetry Jam and Poetry Jukebox. They are my favourite bits of your (our?) excellent Features thingy!
Ann Foxglove
Toadstool number 4
Pixie Forest
Magical Kingdom.

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Wed 31st Mar 2010 15:25

You certainly know how to brighten up a girl's day!
It is very reassuring to know that I can count on you in my time of need...
You are definitely the go-to man for any plan ; )

<Deleted User> (5591)

Wed 31st Mar 2010 08:40

Splendid! A pair of handcuffs and a police issue taser are on their way to you as we speak, Francine, and if you need an plain white transit van, some burly henchwomen and balaclavas to make it work then I can send those too (reminds me: I must have a clear out of my garage). All you need now is a victim (reminds me: I must have a clear out of my chest freezer).

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Tue 30th Mar 2010 00:55

Dear Dermot,
Well, it was written in the stars...
And I do appreciate your well thought-out advice.
I am not a violent person, however I do have a way
of getting my point across...
Perhaps I could act this scene out... in a most playful way ; )

<Deleted User> (5591)

Mon 29th Mar 2010 23:55

Dear Francine, What a beautiful sentiment - such as could almost rekindle similar in even the most cynical and unyielding of souls. But, luckily I got over it and put aside such nonsense for good old-fashioned hard-nosed pragmatism. I'd go out and hunt down the cheeky devil and frog march this individual back to the scene of this alleged withdrawal and demand recompense; possibly at gunpoint.Yes, it's not often that people come to me for advice on their love lives, but always happy to lend practical advice and handcuffs and a police issue taser.

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Sun 28th Mar 2010 04:54

Dear Dermot,
I rekindled the art of love, and my love withdrew...
Now what am I to do?

<Deleted User> (5591)

Fri 26th Mar 2010 15:00

Thanks Ann, I passed your comments on to Sympathetic Sybil and her reply was as follows: What? Is this a dead bothered face? You mean to say you stirred me from my lemon-sucking reverie to tell me that? Stop trying to make me smile - get your filthy hands off me..." I didn't catch the rest, to be fair, because I was being arrested for molestation, but it sounded like pretty strong stuff.

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 25th Mar 2010 17:59

Dear Dermot, I don't think Sympathetic Sybil looks at all sympathetic. She looks snooty, has a mouth like she's just sucked a dozen lemons and her gooseberry eyes look mean. I could never tell her my troubles. Can you make her smile for April's issue? Actually, now I come to think about it she looks a bit like you. Could you be related? If so, forget I spoke!!

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