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New Boyfriend

Things to Know About Your New Girlfriend


I hog the covers when I don’t mean to

I’m pretty chill about the things you do

My hair is never done

Nor my makeup ever worn

And my clothes are messy

I wake up gassy

And my teeth could use a fix

But babe you know

I’ve got room to grow

And we can find our mix


I’m never wrong ‘cept when I am,

But point that out and I’ll get mad

I’m rarely angry but catch me so

You see there’s more to me than you know

And if I’m honest I have to say

I get prettier day by day

And if you don’t agree,

Then go hug a tree instead of me. ;)


However if I had to guess

I’d say I’m probably pretty blessed

To know you and to hold you

To stick around and adore you

After everything we’ve been through

It’s nice to finally press send

On a message titled

Will you be my boyfriend


And distance cannot erase what is

Only sweetens the eventual wins

I love you more than all the sins

I did to eventually earn you

So if I can say one last

Poignant thing today,

Let it be that

I really kind of love you


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Martin Elder

Sun 19th May 2019 22:50

I am just bowled over by the honesty of this piece which has left me grinning from ear to ear. particularly liked the part about waking up feeling gassy.

Nice one

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