The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.



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dance of death 


ashes to ashes

the fire flames


I rise I rise.

lifereal life

◄ To TC and the loud writers

Done! ►


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Fri 26th Feb 2010 18:58

yeah the phoenix. the dance is to "Birdsong" a piece of music I drummed up and is called the dance of death, one of the Life Dance routines where the dancers rise at the end. Can't say any more. It is very physical though.

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Cate Greenlees

Thu 25th Feb 2010 16:37

Is this a reference to the phoenix Beulah? It has a note of optimism about the ending that would suggest so.
Cate xx

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