The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


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And all the doors looked all the same again

He stopped at number one to sneak a look

Here he heard the clearing of ash and soot


And all the doors looked all the same, again

He stopped, at number four he stood once more

To inhale the smell of Vim on tiled floor


And, all the doors looked all the same, again

He stopped at number nine, to check the time

The cuckoo clock confirmed with lonely chime


And all the doors looked all the same; again.

He stopped, but quickly passed by number ten

He didn’t want to hear her being beaten 


And all the doors, looked all the same, again.

He stopped at the door with no number on

Shabby curtains, dark windows, life long gone


And all the doors looked. All; the same again.

They all stared and stared as he passed them by

Reflecting his gaze, numbering his days,

Plain portals, keeping secrets safe inside


Childhood memoriesNapowrimo 2019

◄ Most Maligned

15 minutes of Sonnet 25 ►


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Graham Parker

Fri 26th Apr 2019 17:41

Hi Steve, thank you very much. This was the one I worked on most for NaPoWriMo and I've just edited it following some thoughts of my own and a suggestion from a friend. The Pankoum was originally meant to be sung and I do like the almost additional rhythm it adds.

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Graham Parker

Fri 26th Apr 2019 10:39

Asked to produce a poem that includes repetition, I had a go at a Villanelle/Pankoum. Dylan Thomas kind of inspired the structure, which I am glad I took note of.
I think this is my favourite work during Napowrimo.
PS that is the actual street I grew up on and which influenced the poem

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