The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Manchester Poets Wanted

entry picture

Puppy Wolf Press are currently seeking submissions for the first issue of the anthology from all corners of the Manchester poetry/spoken word scene.

Best of Manchester Poets is the first major attempt in recent times to showcase the stunning talent and creativity in the (Greater) Manchester poetry/spoken word scene. It's a perfect-bound book of approximately 128 pages that will retail nationally for £7.99.

Anybody who defines themselves as a Manchester poet is invited to submit work, regardless of whether they're a published name, or have only ever written one poem.

Submissions are via the website: or via email to 

The editorial team includes the Manchester poets Steve O'Connor (host of Write Out Loud Sale!), Cathy Bryant, and Angela Smith. The award-winning performance poet Dominic Berry will host the book's launch gig in June.

Closing date for sumissions is 14th March 2010.

◄ If I was rearranging the dictionary I'd put you and I in the caress of barbed wire

Avoid Angst and Conquer Cliché ►

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