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Losing you in hues...

"Losing you in hues..."

I feel as if our time together was like a sunrise to sunset.

It began with you brightening the darknes in my life.


Much like a sunrise, you brought with you the promise of a new start.

You shined like the sun, bringing me joy and happiness.

I basked in the warm hues of happiness, content and love...


I forgot about the darkeness.

Sadly, I forgot that with each sunrise, a sunset is to follow.

How foolish of me.


With your goodbye, I saw the sun begin to set.

I sat and watched everything fade.

From sunny and warm to cold and dark.


What was once warm hues of happiness, content and love is now cold and harsh hues of loneliness, sadness and pain.

I lost you in hues...


Now, I'm back to where I started.



◄ It was only ever fiction...


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Erin Cc

Thu 28th Feb 2019 07:03

Thank you for sharing this piece! I found myself really relating to this piece as sometimes I get lost in a person where I tend to forget that all good things must come to an end. Thank you again.

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