The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cinnamon Press Writing Weeks

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How does the sound of a holiday combined with expert tuition aimed at improving your writing appeal to you? – perhaps a week in wonderful Wales? - or fabulous France?

Well courses from Cinnamon Press may be just what you’re looking for and may be a great way to bring energy and commitment to your writing.

Whether you write fiction or poetry - the workshops are designed to bring it to life, exploring starting points, imagery, and structure, and ways of bringing precision and vividness to your writing. Each group will be limited in size to allow plenty of time for individual mentoring, as well as opportunities to workshop each others’ work, and plenty of time to write, relax, and explore the beautiful locations.

There are three courses to choose from:

The first is for women only in a beautiful North Wales manor house close to the coast. It runs from 24th-30th April and places are booking quickly. The cost depends on the room you want, but costs vary between £490 and £540 per person, which includes food, accommodation, and all tuition; rooms are allocated on a first come-first served basis. This is a course for serious women writers with limited places available to maximise contact and attention to individual work.

The second course is open to all and runs from 19th- 26th June in the tranquil and nurturing environment of Gardoussel Retreat, described as a magical oasis of calm in one of the most beautiful and untouched parts of France - the mountains at St. André de Valborgne, an hour from Nimes and two from Montpelier.

There are only eight writer places available, so it is advisable to book early. The cost for accommodation, all meals, and tuition is £580, and there is also the opportunity to bring a non-writing partner for £430 for accommodation and meals.

The third course is open to all and is back in North Wales, and runs from 30thOctober – 5th November, with rooms available, as before, on a sliding scale allocated on first come-first served basis, and the price covers food, accommodation and all tuition.

Full details and a downloadable booking form are available from:

◄ Make an Exhibition of Yourself

Pennine Lancashire Poetry Stanza ►

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