The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Northern Writers' Awards 2010 - open for submissions

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The Northern Writers’ Awards have been helping to boost the careers of writers from the north-east of England for the last ten years, during which time no fewer than 89 writers have received awards, many of whom have gone on to publish their work.

The annual awards are produced by New Writing North, who aim to support writers to complete new work and move forward with their careers. Each year £25,000 is awarded both to support emerging talent and to recognise the work of established writers, with individual awards ranging from £1000 to £10,000.

Recent winners include poet Toby Martinez de las Rivas, who was chosen as one of the Faber New Poets in 2009, and had his first pamphlet published by Faber & Faber later that year; and Carolyn Jess Cooke, whose first poetry collection - ‘Inroads’, will be published this month by Seren. Her new novel has also sold around the world and will be published in 2011 following support from New Writing North.

The awards are open to writers who live and work in the north-east of England, and the deadline for entries is Wednesday, 10th March, 2010. The winners will receive their awards at a special event in Newcastle, and will attend an industry meet and greet in London in July. Further information and how to enter is available on New Writing North’s website at:

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