The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

A love below

Is there no other care
No real time to share 
Other than the love....... below 
You don't see me
Yet..Your eyes are glued to a computer screen 
No joy 
No passion 
No love you seek

You look down 
a love....below 
You seek
True words 
Replaced by images and hash tags
True feelings
Replaced by a smiley face... emoji... emoticons 
No voice to speak
No love you seek

My eyes are brown
You never noticed 
As you sit across from me
You look down
Your attention
Replaced by a fantasy 
No love you seek
the love...... below 
But Not by the real me........

(C) 2018 E.O.I.R.R 2002


◄ Embrace Solitude

Misleading ►


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Martin Elder

Sun 9th Dec 2018 19:00

there is a real problem with Technology being addressed and its the technology that is at fault but the users who are so easily getting sucked into this other on line world which can be so dangerous
Nice one

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