The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


Carry On Tuesday #36

Written for and posted to carry on tuesday

The prompt this week is from Robert Browning's
Grow Old Along With Me
Grow old along with me
the best is yet to be.

I used the line the best is yet to be, which I inserted into
the rewriting/updating of a piece I wrote a few years back.
The original poem is a stand alone piece and todays offering
is to be treated as something new, which it is, because I have
something new and fresh to say on the matter. Phew!


I got your letter yesterday
How I wish you could come to stay
Even though you're so far away
You wrote a note to say that you
Miss me need me want me love me
You are my sun you are my moon
You are my lyric and my tune
You are my midnight and my noon
So please please come back some day soon
Miss you need you want you love you
Don't you know that I love you too?
Although that was five years ago
Nothing's changed I still love you so
The best is yet to be you know
Oh yeah, have you still got my ring?
I want you more than anything
You are my sun you are my moon
You are my lyric and my tune
You are my midnight and my noon
So please please come back someday soon
Miss you need you want you love you
Don't you know that I love you three? 



carry on tuesdaygot your letternaisaikuRobert Browning

The Syllable Sestina ►


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Andy Sewina aka Danny Wise

Mon 18th Jan 2010 00:27

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