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It's not your fault
Nor mine either
Just our time wasnt right
We had our own fight

Could I ever understand 
What love means to be?
Could you ever realize
That I wasnt meant to be

I am covered under a veneer
That's looks lovely and clear
But underneath is a dying soul
Which is engulfed in a black hole

Dont head for destruction
Give it up and live a new passion
It's only a black abyss 
With me there will be no bliss

I was dead long before you found me
Maybe you tried to save me
But it wasn't meant to be

I was long gone
Even before the sun was born
My end has happened
Even before the sun set

Find your way find your love
Dont live this death 
As I am not your love
I am just a moment 
My aim is to cremate
And set myself free...


Abyssblack holeloved one

◄ Another time


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