The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Sting In The Tale

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A Sting In The Tale


The throbbing drone

borne upon a summer breeze,

that moves the grass gently

and whispers through the trees.

The honeycomb

dribbles onto plates at high teas.

We take for granted

simple pleasures such as these.


From the mountain pastures

to the shores of tranquil seas,

they bob and weave and buzz

on their busy working sprees.

To the flower’s lock

they are natures keys,

spreading the pollen.

Hooped intricacies.


Yet the pesticides we use

harm them by degrees

and blood sucking parasites

drain them as they please.

Man will not survive

unless the world decrees

that we must do all we can

to save the humble bees


beesdestruction of beesthreat to mankiindpollinatorssave the beeseco-friendly

◄ Blood Brothers In Arms

That Which Autumn Leaves (REPOST with Audio) ►


Big Sal

Wed 24th Oct 2018 13:58

When I first read this, my mind read "humble bumble bees" for some reason. .

The topic is top notch (definitely worth writing about if nothing more than to raise awareness of a few folk that matter and can make a difference), the rhythm and rhyme leave nothing to chance, and the way the playful beginning weaves with the serious ending has a way of imitating bathos without fully engaging in it.

I think you have a winner here, Ian. Enjoyable read to be sure.

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Tue 23rd Oct 2018 19:08

Wonderful tribute and plea to bees Ian. I see almost an air force with a single mind. Added pleasure in the rhyming, a joy to read. I like the softness of the words in the poem in contrast to the subject.


<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 23rd Oct 2018 17:51

A great sentiment, great rhyming, and it's got a real buzz to it.

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