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Old Soul

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When you look in to deeps of all things 
That's mean you been here many times before 
If you findind joy in all simple things 
Thats because you experience a lot in world 
If you see the world  with eye of love 
It means you felt a lot  through out...

But what really means to be old soul? 
Is it a Compassion to everything that exists? 
Is it love to everything that live? 
Is it understanding all there it is?  
Or mabey it's just that you finally want to go back home?  

You know where it is 
You know what it is  
You feel like it's time to go back home
But before you go... 
You want expirence  
You want to feel 
You want to be 
One more time...
Because when you arrive 
You want to say thank you 
For that Beautiful journey 

But.......  What if.... ?  
what if  home it's where you are 
What if you are the home 
What if you always been 
That what you looking for 
And alway will be... 
You don't need to go anywhere 
You don't need to achieve anything 
You don't need to experience 
Becose you are all there it is 
And always will be... 

So what's now ? 
Be still.. .

watch and love 

Start giving and  sharing 

Make the understanding grow  
Flow abow all horizont 
Touch all the heart with  kindness 
Share the wisdom with all
Becose all its with you 
You are as old us you want to be 

◄ " I "

Being Naive ►


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