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The Snow

The snow alights on the ground,

Fluttering on the trees and all around.

Snowflakes prance and dance in the cold air,

With the milky moon an ornament up there.


Inside its warm as we gossip and sip,

Outside its cold as we slither and slip.

The frozen puddles crack under our boots,

The owl in the tree happily hoots.


I love the thick jumpers and the hot homemade soup,

Shoppers pack the streets in their Pre-Christmas swoop.

The paths are crispy underfoot,

Fires burn furiously churning out soot.


Wheels spinning before they gain traction,

Gritters noisily springing into action,

Cyclists muscles begin to quiver,

Winter is here lets all shiver!

Branches hang low with the weight of the snow,

Its hard to think that the grass will still grow.


Suddenly the illuminated sign of the bus appears,

Trundelling slowly down the road to the passengers' cheers.

The passenger in front pays with a £20 note,

The driver digs patiently for change in his float.

I show my pass,and quickly grab a seat,

Clap my hands with joy ,sharing the heat.


The snow alights on the ground,

Fluttering in the trees and all around.




◄ Cilla

Egomania ►


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