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Patient Betty

(.Just been reading that half of today`s marriages

in Britain end in divorce. So, it seems, the other

half don`t. The sometimes why of which is my

reason for pillaging the Gospels for this `oldie`).




She`s patient
And full of gentleness she is
This gentlest of all the daughters of the Lamb.

And there`s a prayer she prays -
She cries -
Constantly in Christ`s heart:

That one day
A certain Prodigal,
Denied the husks of swine,
Might suffer a keen pang of penance in him,
And - fearfully -
Wrench his footsteps home.

To find,
While still afar off,
Betty come running to meet him.

And he`ll try
Under a fall of tears
To tell of his heart`s turning.

But Betty,
(Gentle Betty)
With one long kiss
Will hush him,
And touch him
With tender fingers on his face
And in her arms
Welcome him all the deep dear joys of homecoming.

◄ Colette

An Easter answer? ►


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