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in the name of xmas

In the name of……………..


20 million giga watts of fancy stringy fairy lights
desperately clinging on to slipping tile suburbia
while impoverished consumers
fight for a slice of the action
in Asda
losing the fight for attention
Rudolf detention in reins
Santa’s claims to the happy child
smiled and said ho ho
global warming heat me up
an idiot made power gobbling
Xmas tree lights.
killed a million farm fed feathered friends
and asked we turn the oven down

all in the name of xmas

A rat race bus fuss top piled up tv shite
wintered spray snow delights
of piped rock and roll Xmas tunes
in every god  forsaken bauble room
from the unemployed
to the silver spoon
force fed
were all supposed to enjoy it

and the liars claim they do
and the honest choked with flu
die in rivers of headlights
traffic jammed in a rush to buy condiments
on Xmas eve
you wouldn’t believe the lengths
in which we go
to be showered not snowed
as we cowered in the corner of Xmas
don’t pretend your having fun
let the office party blood run
when the beer boy office joker
spills his cock hard intentions
all over her dress
and wrecks the spotted specs
of the director whom when sober name checks
a god
and when pissed envies his wallet wad
and calls him every name under the sun

all in the name of

and pork medallions look too good
as a substitute for turkey
and the poor
until you pan fry and the fatty rind roars
exposes itself a million times over
wider than aisle
from where there was a pushover to sell them you
looks a bit of a mess

you meant nothing expect profit boy

all in the name of Xmas

and when the drunk fools
finally keel
at the heel of new years eve
it isn’t really hard to believe
were a gang of drunken idiots
duped and
never grown

in the name of Xmas

◄ Microwave Michael

So long since I laughed ►


Kevin Connolly

Tue 18th Dec 2007 19:31

20 million giga watts of fancy stringy fairy lights
desperately clinging on to slipping tile suburbia
while impoverished consumers
fight for a slice of the action
in Asda

global warming heat me up
an idiot made power gobbling
Xmas tree lights.
killed a million farm fed feathered friends
and asked we turn the oven down

A rat race bus fuss top piled up tv shite
wintered spray snow delights
of piped rock and roll Xmas tunes
in every god forsaken bauble room
from the unemployed
to the silver spoon

don’t pretend your having fun
let the office party blood run
when the beer boy office joker
spills his cock hard intentions
all over her dress
and wrecks the spotted specs
of the director whom when sober name checks
a god
and when pissed envies his wallet wad
and calls him every name under the sun

I'm sure we can all see ourselves in there somewhere.
The office party often leads to nightmares until Easter.
You have suc a way with words, Pete. Yet another gem.

Pete Crompton

Tue 18th Dec 2007 17:20

Oy you thanks! Im reading it a DGPS! on Wed.

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 04:19

buy local! one of the big poluters and contributars of global warming is the transport of products all over the world.Those tankers use mass amounts of oil/gas and they puff out black smoke.when they took your factories and mine to china they made the world such a shit place. but I still love my energy saving christmas lights!

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Dec 2007 01:54

well its very sad, drunk at times is fine. I think people need the diversion of xmas as you call it.For many its pressure, I dont look at it that way, as Im not sucked into all the adverts. I do see what your saying, I have felt this way before.For me its family, food,the lights and a spirit of good will. I dont let the media suck me in. They start at halloween here, with the xmas adverts and shopping insanity. Good poem , its good to get it off your chest!

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