The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cherry Tree

entry picture

 In the middle of a hot day,

Somewhere far away,

An old man walked home,

When he decided to roam.


He dug up a cherry tree,

He could grow it free,

He was so very merry,

To grow up a nice cherry.


But suddenly he looked around,

And saw a big God’s crown

Thought: let it grow here,

Bring the berries every year.


Let it grow as high,

As human’s eye can see,

And he planted a cherry tree,

Near the road, in the field,

Where everyone could rest.

When in leaves it is dressed.


Let it grow high and wide,

Let it be my own pride,

Let passers-by rest in its shadow,

In winter let it be covered with snow,

For everyone its beauty to show.


In spring let it bathe in blossoms,

In autumn its colours so awesome,

And tasting the juicy, ripe berries,

Of sweet reddish cherries,

Someone will remember me,

Being on the top of its glee.


If not, I won’t worry,

Let them be happy and merry.

I’ll plant the tree by all means,

Let it be shown in its greens.



Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 3rd of December, 2016




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<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 20th Dec 2016 21:40

Larisa,we are SOOOOO happy to see you posting again! We absolutely LOVE this poem.Keep on writing! Lots of love to you and all the folks in Odessa.

Patricia and Stef.xx

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