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A Place of Mystery

                       A PLACE OF MYSTERY

Where all men sit in peace,

Where all wars begin to cease,

Where Black and White are mere colours,

Where all races together stand as the Earth’s pillars,


Where flowers bloom under the sun with grace,

Watched by everyone with equal awe and praise,

Where animals roam in freedom, without fear,

Where no creature perceives another as distant or dear,


Where stars no more vanish behind a gray cloud,

Flaunting their grace and shine to all staring from this noble ground,

Where judgement is based on the soul truth of the matter,

Where people tread on unbiased footing, without any banter,


Where the rich see the poor as fellow humans in need,

And serve their wishes without malice or greed,

Where every gender is presented with equal rights,

Where science leads civilization into peace, not Fights,


Where the Earth is green and safe under human care,

Where people unite for nature, in their time to spare,

Where tranquil lands leave no scars on Time’s History,

This is a place of dreams, imagination and mystery.

◄ Humanity-in the end!


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