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Never trust a lover who ...

Never trust a lover who in the throes of passion

calls you 'Baby' or 'Babe' -

that generic name for a sex partner

whose body is equally generic.


It means in an unguarded moment 

the name of someone else entirely

might slip out with an orgasmic yelp

which definitely would not be cool

a real mood buster.


In fairness such caution

does mark a certain level of empathy

for the partner's psyche - 

and the clever talker obviously hopes

for another fling.


There must be a lot of sex around 

with 'Babe' this and 'Baby' that

non-committal pap for the fizz of the minute 

a slug of  soda pop

compared to fine wine on the palate.




Cynthia Buell Thomas

Oct., 2016





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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 20th Oct 2016 11:58

Thanks, Trevor, But me! A cynic? Actually, I'm not, I'm really not, although that finger has been pointed before. A realist, I could live with.

Posturers and posers annoy me. I'm very sympathetic with those who are going through 'phases' as a learning or adjusting process related to growing up, or to personal problems unique to them. But toward a mode of life carried on deliberately, in adequately good mental health, I'm very cold-hearted. IMO, a person is always the basic product of childhood experiences which can never quite be reconstructed towards a preferred result. We do but try.

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Trevor Alexander

Wed 19th Oct 2016 16:14

I think you might just be a bit of a cynic! Join the club! ?
Nice piece.

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