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´Starlings vs the scarecrow´´

´´Starlings vs the scarecrow´´

The birds fly so incredibly high,across the countryside

checking out the scarecrows on the way,what a beautiful day,

only a few white clouds in the azure blue sky.

Their feathered leader,signals with his shrill cries,they all

follow suite and enter into a v-shape formation,all done

through silently transferred information,at the starlings

wing tips.

A large patch of green,looms up in the distance,dive,dive

screams the leader,the scarecrow tells no lies,its teatime,

fill your beaks.

For we will reap what the jolly farmer has sown,ha!

I can hear him groan,listen to him moan.

◄ "Living the dream"

´´Drones in the sky´´ ►


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