The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Career development

It started with filthy Cossacks

vodka fuelled with much betrayal


Back into Malaysia

somewhat blurred by Mau Mau screams

burn the fucking forest down

we’ll kill them while they dream


Then all the way from The Falls

bodies sealed in Glenshane peat 


Then Friedrichstraße

lucky strikes

and feet cold stamping streets

those Russian alcoholics

so unguarded between the sheets


The recall back to vauxhall cross

the boss drunken at his desk

the bar under the arches

where the deviant meekly confessed 

and all for a little Georgian tail

he gave it up for that!

from Cambridge and a year in Yale

my God, the foolish twat!


And then out here our swan-song

once again the game is on

You hold the fucker down John

I’ll keep pouring till he’s gone


One day we’ll get to wash our hands

though our minds be ever black

I wish that treacherous DG

had given me the sack



Empireknights of the realmlicence to killtreacheryvillainy

◄ How not to

The Lion and the Unicorn (from sea to shining sea) ►


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Harry Palmer

Fri 22nd Apr 2016 11:09

In plain sight, but mostly in decrepit Public Houses. Thanks for the likes and comment.


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Harry Palmer

Wed 20th Apr 2016 12:16

Leers with madness into the recruiting camera!

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