Babu's Death
Babu's Death
Each entry I made
Babu’s fumes I hailed
In the morning he told
Will be back
With some marigold
In the evening
He was back
With a crowd as jack
He was laying in a bed
It was new to our head
He was sleeping cold
In a white fold
Where is my marigold?
I goal'd
He dint said anything
He dint said anything hold
Don’t take him away I told
But people took him away
With flowers on the way
As sold
Neighbors said a labor died
For which no one cried
We cried
We cried our best
For what I still hide
Amma said his death arrived
What is death I mild
Nothing, you sleep child
My babu is there
Somewhere in the hut
Somewhere in the nook
I know
I know his body was perfect
Nobody is there
In my hut
Only his fragment of body left
Each morning I waited
When light enters to wake up
My eye wishes
He is there on the gate
To love us
To save us
He is not there anywhere
In the gate
I called my babu
Babu babu
Where I could find
My elders said
Babu is late
I waited
I waited in veranda
Perhaps we played
We played
Hide and seek we played
I was caught'd, every time
But where is my babu
I couldn't find
Hari Das
SHABD Society for Street Children
@ all right reserved by Hari Das Vieena 2015

Indian Street Writer Hari Das
please do have a look .I am shore u people will like her post and will learn some thing.