The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Winter Growing

Winter Growing

Plants in the tunnels
are barely growing
in this cold
I am barely here

In the winter
I fall back on old habits -
headphones, lines of code
the remote stars

I want growth and decay
to pound me awake
need the hot crisis of summer
to pin me to my body

But I have only
these tiny green threads
to tend, and the slight
pull of their becoming,

so vulnerable
that I try to make space
in my distracted heart
to feel them,
shield them from the frost
and uncover to the light
of the shortest days.


◄ Dedication

Wilmington, Delaware ►


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Laura Taylor

Wed 27th Jan 2016 12:29

Lovely piece, full of the apathy and despair of winter, and the desperate need for 'growth and decay to pound me awake, the hot crisis of summer to pin me to my body', as well as yet another tender layer of nurturing. Absolutely spot on.

I identify with this so closely, and you have crafted it beautifully. Love it!

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