The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


I noticed it after impact,
convulsions and some blood.

She said we weren't made to die.

I turned off the trimmer,
knelt to the jerking creature
with my harvest knife.

In the New world, nobody will ever die.

The movement did not stop
for several moments.
I buried the body; re-started the machine.

In the New World,
we will all be tending vineyards.


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Laura Taylor

Wed 27th Jan 2016 12:35

I missed this somehow at the time, maybe I didn't have time to comment or something, but agree with Cynthia's comment. Tons going on in here. You have a real skill for this lark don't you?

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Tue 21st Jul 2015 20:12

very powerful in its simplicity as Graham says. To me I can envisage a sort of frontier mind , in the almost casual inevitability of it.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 21st Jul 2015 16:13

This is a whole philosophy of life in a few lines, perhaps as the major undercurrent of a beloved religion. Very telling and influential.

Aren't you the gentleman from the western U.S., the chap who has a new farm? I'm going to check.

And, yes, you are.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 20th Jul 2015 08:16

Alex the simplicity of this is endearing and the matter of fact albeit caring way you have dealt with death, quickly adds to its authenticity. One suggestion, vineyards.

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