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Facing A Break Down

What is breaking down? Is it coming to realizing that everything you have been was wrong? Was it because you realized you lost somebody you loved? Is it losing the weak half of ourselves to make us a stronger person? Is it because you're finally facing the problem you've been trying so hard to forget and run away from that it stops your heart for a moment as it all rushed through you, knocking you down as if all your defenses were useless. Even after all the years of building them, and preparing them, it seemed as if they had never been there at all. Your world fell apart, you fell to the ground, and watched yourself Crumble to bits and pieces. You destroyed yourself, and you don't even know it yet. Day by day thinking you were forgetting about, it became a cancer, and slowly grew until it was big enough to cause pain, it became big enough to crush your happiness, and it became so deadly that you forgot who you were.. Then inside you felt yourself die, as if you had no reason to live, but you were strong enough to remember why you're still here, you remembered what motivated you, you remembered what you were truly after, and you remembered the hope, the love that you truly wanted. Now you're strong enough to move mountains, and you're strong enough to say I'm not giving up.. You're strong enough to say I broke, and I shattered but I picked myself up, and remembered why I was born, and why I'm still here today.. If you believe in yourself, admit your faults, and realize nobody's perfect. Then you'll see the true beauty in things, and you'll see that we are all just in a cracked shell waiting to break. Waiting to see what's really out there, and seeing the truth, the lies, the imperfections, and perfect ions in this world. Everybody will have their time, and everybody will try to bend to their limits until it all snaps into tiny pieces and thus funding out they won't recover all of them.

◄ Happy Ending


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Graham Sherwood

Fri 19th Jun 2015 12:34

In Vanna's piece the last ten lines are reasoning, pure and simple.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 19th Jun 2015 10:19

Thought provoking Vanna!

Whilst I agree that we are, all of us, only an eggshell away from mental failure (to use HT's definition) it is the ability to continue to reason that keeps us balanced on the high wire.

PMA, self-esteem etc are all governed by the ability to reason. The better the reasoning, the calmer the ride.

We do however have to make time to reason, think, meditate etc.

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