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National Wealth Service?

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National Wealth Service?

I do not want to lie under accountants sheets
when my body rattles out its failing beats.
Nor do I want to pay for every brick
on those, sad days, when I am feeling sick.
I do not want the most important thing
to be the amount of money that I bring.
I do not think the currency of health
should be determined by your misers wealth.

I couldn’t care less where the nurse was born
who cares for me when I am so forlorn.
It doesn’t matter if I’m rich or poor -
that shouldn’t be the question at the door.
This should be free at point of entry for all,
not at some privileged chancer’s beck and call
to do with as he deems fit to raise some cash.
We cannot let them be so myopic and rash.

Claim back the NHS and do it now
don’t let it become a Conservative cash cow.
Employ more doctors, treat our nurses well,
Inject your cash and let your children tell
of how their parents did not give up the fight,
defied those who would take away their birthright,
went to the polling stations and ticked the box
that kept the henhouse safe from the Tory fox.

national health servicenhstory threatVOTE

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 5th May 2015 11:38

I like the sentiments expressed in this. One thing is for certain after the election: there are going to be cuts
whoever gets in. And as to who we would trust most to protect the NHS?...for an ageing population I think the answer is fairly obvious.

There`s just one thing though; about the NHS My À level economics teacher used to say (although it broke his communist heart to say it) That an economic good - free at the point of use - is unsustainable`....There is going to have to be some sort of rationing eventually ( no matter which party gets in)

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