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The online dating game

Hey how's it going, guess it's the same,
Another set of pictures, of a girl with no name.
Just another essay, of who she claims to be,
but apparently saying hey, comes off too desperately.

Or maybe they want more, from a man who is shy,
maybe I should be the loud boastful guy,
brag about myself, and how I'm successful,
or maybe that screams needy, finding love is stressful.

I hear what they say, and what they claim to want,
but it appears to be crap, if I'm putting it blunt.
A car, a job, a career, and nice,
I have all these things, but not looked at twice.

A sense of humor as well, now that is just funny,
I crack more jokes than Trump has money.
A guy who can laugh, when he makes a mistake,
Wow that's me too, this must be fake.

A woman who wants this, all the things that I am,
so I send her a message, excuse me ma'am.
A gentleman who's nice, and can treat you like a lady,
A date perhaps, yes, no, maybe?

Well here we go again, no response once more,
How do you attract a lady, instead of a whore.
Yes I have money, but I hate when it shows,
I am shy by nature, but that's how it goes.

When I act a fool, and throw money around,
The women I don't want, come up from the ground.
Buy me this, or buy me that, love can't be sold,
but this being alone shit, really gets old.

I can attract women through money, but that's not my game,
I want a woman I respect, who gives me the same.
I respect that you like money, for I feel the same way,
but I want there to be more, at the end of the day.

I am a strong personality, with a distaste for lies,
I've seen plenty of women, who give in to those guys.
the nice smooth talkers, who get the pants off,
love them and leave them, sit back and scoff.

To watch it in action, is amusing as hell,
perhaps that's the route, I must try as well.
Lie my way in, and stay disinterested,
then she will stay, hoping I'm interested.

The logic is right, for we see it all the time,
No I'm in love with him, for she is blind.
He treats her wrong, but damn is she loyal,
but mistreating women, makes my blood boil.

Damn I think to much, back to the grind,
More search engines, more women to find.
Will this be her, here we go again.
Still no response, damn I can't win.

The stuff that I see, cuts me so deep,
To be nice and alone, it makes me wheep.
But being an ass, just isn't my style,
so unless I'm hurt more, I'll be alone for a while.

So I'll keep my head down, and focus on my career,
Hope I don't grow bitter, for being alone I fear.
The more successful I become, the more hopeful I grow,
That I'll finally be accepted, and my true love will show.

The same time though, the more rejection I see,
The more I wonder, what's wrong with me.
Am I ugly as hell, in the eyes of the other,
Am I destined to be alone, without a lover?

If I must be alone, the sure why not,
I can still have a family, I could always adopt.
I could meet a woman, 10 years from today.
Or perhaps I'll be cold, bitter as fuck they say.

Which may be my case, from the years of sadness,
Facing rejection everyday, growing in madness.
The more I'm rejected, the colder I become,
Hopefully my kindness, will not be undone.

So here I go again, optimistic once more,
I send my message, have we met before?
Oh we were in the same class, well isn't that neat.
Want to grab coffee? You do? Oh sweet!

Online dating, a fucked up game to play,
Never knowing what's up, or what to say.
I'm a man who finds answers, it's naturally me,
but when it comes to this game, I will let it be.

It's screwed with my mind, and caused me much stress.
It's made me bitter, I hate to confess.
I live to  help others, and that's what i do,
but online dating, I scream fuck you.

internet datingonline datingdating experience

The Art of the Clueless ►


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Ryan Fitzpatrick

Wed 28th Jan 2015 21:13

Figured I'd share my experience with online dating, hope it gives insight to anyone else using it as a means to not meet people at the bar or club scene.

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