The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

haiga with romaji and Japanese translation

entry picture

almost lost
in the shimmer of water
several ducklings

Mi-zu-ha-e-te Hi-ka-ri-ni-ka-su-mu Ko-ga-mo-ka-na

"Alan-san's haiku came to me with the Japanese translation. This is a good translation, written in the perfect haiku format 5-7-5. Mi-zu-ha-e-te Hi-ka-ri-ni-ka-su-mu Ko-ga-mo-ka-na"
Kuniharu Shimizu, Nara, Japan

◄ Christmas haiku

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Alan Summers

Tue 14th Apr 2009 11:19

Thank you for your kind comments. Most poetry should be written with musicality in mind, and haiku that are read by a group can be pretty amazing on that account.

all my very best,


<Deleted User>

Tue 14th Apr 2009 10:45

thank you! I love this and wish I could hear it. I am sensitive to sounds, think in sounds and fascinated by languages . This is refreshing to see and read.

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