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for you shine like the sun

The eye of memory
of the heart still dazzles
I shield my soul from your brightness
For you shine like the sun
I turn to thoughts of you unwillingly
Yet I am drawn like the waters to the shore
Wrap me in forgetfulness
For you shine like the sun
I burn in your brightness
Even under a clouded moon
You radiate my soul
Till all the pours of my heart is filled
For you shine like the sun
You take me out beyond myself
Enriching and puryifying the dank places of my soul
For you shine like the sun
You are the capstone supporting
the arch of heaven
You uliminate my way
You the victor over the darkness
For you shine like the sun
Unchanged in my memory
eternal youth is yours
Sing my children
For the sun is high
Sing the old song, sing to make thee smile
For you shine like the sun
A thousand times
Times out of my mind
I have past by your door
always the door has been closed
why do you not open
and let me in
For you shine like the sun
let me in my loves
the rain is cold and the sun is hot
I shall reach to play the fiddle or the clarinet
and be taken unawares
as you my children shall dance
For you shine like the sun
and you shall clap your hands
and passes by will ask why you dance
and your shall sing
an old song, this song
remember my children do not be afraid
for you shine like the sun
the same rain that falls shall bring the river by the grinters that grow in the fields near by
for you shine like the sun
and in rememberance you shall sing this song to yours and to theres
and dance a merry dance
for you my children shine like the sun
open your eyes do not be afraid
the same rain that falls shall bring the sun
but i shall still be here in the morning....

for you shine like the sun
always x

◄ The Armed Man

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