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Poets urged to show support for Turkish protesters

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Poets were urged to show their sympathy for protesters in Istanbul, as riot police fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters occupying Taksim Square, arrested protesting lawyers, and entered Gezi Park to deal with demonstrators there on Tuesday. Editors Nia Davies, Sascha Akhtar, and  Sophie Mayer, of Solidarity Park Poetry, said: “We offer our words in solidarity, as translations and inspirations drawn from the creative protests in words and actions taking place across Turkey, and we invite you to join us in doing the same.”

Their Solidarity Park Poetry blog quoted a report by English PEN that Turkey’s prime minister,  Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had invoked epic poetry to back his case that the protesters should move out. “Poetry, then, is at the heart of the struggle in Turkey, and — as with public space — no government, politician or party should be able to claim control over the power of poetry to inspire, persuade and empathise.”

Turkey’s most widespread anti-government protests in decades began on May 31 after a police crackdown on a sit-in by protesters objecting to a project replacing Istanbul’s Gezi park with a replica Ottoman-era barracks. After talks the government said it would suspend the plans, but the protesters said they intended to stay, as the focus of the protests had widened. Riot police moved in on Gezi Park on Saturday evening, using bulldozers snd teargas. 

There are details here on how to email poems to





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John Darwin

Thu 13th Jun 2013 21:04

The reason I referenced those poets is that, apart from being great writers they make a lie of Erdoğan's reference to poetry as all the great Turkish poets have been bohemian, securalist and would be, I am sure, opposed to the current Government which is trying to erode the secular foundations of the nation. Religion is a personal thing. Atatürk sought to take religion out of political life. That was his great achievement

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John Darwin

Thu 13th Jun 2013 20:55

Those that know me will know that I am a Turcophile and a Turkish speaker. You will see several poems in my profile that reference Turkey, some of which allude to the inherent tensions in that beautiful country. Turkey has a rich poetic history and I would urge you all to look up Cemal Sureya, Nazim Hikmet and my favourite Orhan Veli Kanık. They were all great poets who documented the beauty, earthy dirt and love that lives within Turkey. I will be there in ten days, I have never loved a place more. My home excepted.

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Wed 12th Jun 2013 07:15

What's going on there is just so tragic. Let's hope the people prevail - or all those women are on a slippery slope back to a place they really don't want to be.

Don't know whether I read it or was told it, but apparently they are cracking down on shades of lipstick air hostesses are 'allowed' to wear... it's just unthinkable - where will it end?

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