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In the Beginning Was the Word...

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In the beginning was the Word…

And only then was the world.

Out of chaos and the darkness,

Out of nowhere and the blackness…

Something more than a miracle happened

Filled with warmth and light that sparkled.


The world got name and became alive!

All around began to thrive.

Not in gratitude, not out of a sense of duty

It believed in truly saints and only beauty.

Eyes opened and stood in delight

It could invite, excite but not to affright.


In the beginning was the Word…

And that word was God.

Earth and sky, the stars and oceans,

Without emotions but with devotions.

Rains and snows, beauty forebodes

And even the dust of not traversed roads.


It would be ridiculous and naive

To dream about the dawns, be a sensitive.

To be the hands on the starry clock,

To make on the land a beautiful woodblock.

As all that had already been put wise.

And in time the Sun could arise.


In the beginning was the Word…

And that word was Peace

Everything could freely breathe.

If you remove it, the chaos will again start,

The universal fear and black exhaustion,

The indifference and world of combustion.


The worm of doubts shouldn’t gnaw the heart!

The rest is later and the second will be smart.

 For some it is unusual and one can’t agree

But as to me in different way it could not be.

You have to hear Him to be reborn again.

His Word is saint and everything explain.



In the beginning was the Word…

And that word was Love.

The beginning of all beginnings and all the springs,

The beginning of all the most beautiful things.

The beginning of all the sources and a new start.

You have to hear it and know: IT IS THE GODS ART.


In the beginning was the Word…


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 25th of January, 2013


world creation

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Rzhepicks 2013 ►


<Deleted User> (10123)

Fri 25th Jan 2013 10:50

In the beginning I read this as a poem but later decided it was a powerful belief. I fear that I err on the side of science but do enjoy your work. ta muchly, nick.

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