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a feather called "macaroni"

This is about "living life to the max;" a smidgen of humour is required to get full enjoyment of this poem. Cheers!


Live life to the max, it's a good way to be -
methinks the first mac I may have ever encountered
is a popular fellow to kiddies, called Old Macdonald
who had a rather lively and musical farm
now follows a yummy collection of food
from baked mac to mac & cheese
mccormick spices, and a complete
range of products from mcdonalds'
golden arches: big macs to mcflurries
mchappy meals to mcnuggets
of course there was also mother's
freshly baked coconut macaroons
and grown ups sipped cups of macchiato.

As a studious scholar it was always
inevitable to meet up with other macs
such as macintosh before it was apple
and mcafee to protect your pc or macbook pro;
we had the macabre macbeth in lit class
or a map or two from rand & mcnally
the library shelves where full of books from macmillan and maccquarie
there were also poems by mckellar, filled with local colour
plus the story of machiavelli, who espoused in a new world order;
we also learnt about enormous mac trucks
flew the skies in mcdonnel douglas jets
and zipped through racecourse laps in fast maclarens
of course we are not to forget our craft class macrame.

As a freshman at uni I met up with macgill, now a lifelong friend;
on telly there was mcduff, the talking dog
mcgyver who always got out of a tight situation
armed only with his noggin & a swiss army knife
at the movies there was kevin macallister who was always home alone
marty mcfly who returned back from the future,
mcgovern who sang 'can you read my mind'
as we all dreamt of flying like superman
while maguire donned a blue & red suit
as he swung from the heights of the city's night sky;
mr mcgee was always making bruce banner very angry
and afternoon reruns featured steve mcqueen films;
later on, another mcqueen stole the piston cup scene.

This, by far, is not the whole list of all the macs of our lives;
so, in closing let us mention two more outstanding macs:
there was macarthur who led some of the greatest battles of WW2
while another macarthur pioneered Australia's wool industry;
you will agree that macs are part and parcel of daily life,
and because of this you'd find it easy to leave life to the macs.
So let us all stick a feather in our hats and call it macaroni!





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On Taking the Early Train ►


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