The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.





I sense that you are near me,

close enough to touch, right now.

In my mind.

No one else can see you next to me

but I do. As we are now,

we once were in reality

at some time in our history.

Your spirit never leaves me

and your ghost forever haunts me,

your love is my saviour intertwining

me in your spiders web of hearsay.

Where are you now?

Did they ever love?

If they did, was it right, just?

Questions don’t matter to me,

none of their biased views either.

I possess you, you me.

I make my plans to be with you,

count my pills, sharpen my razor.

Soon now…




lost lovejoin together no matter whatsuicudedeath before their timefinally togethertrue love

◄ poem tatoo whatever...

Sky Wheel ►


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