embedded image from entry 140297 The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Tenderly stepping on the last snow

The first of March is coming.

Spring will release the love arrow,

Beautiful songs of love humming.


The feeling of spring is known to all,

It happens every coming year.

My loving spring has no wall,

Its sounds I can clearly hear.


March is a harbinger of changes.

It smiles happily together with me.

Its grace has the wide ranges:

New natures wonders we’ll see.


March – without experience at all,

Hastens through the dew or snow,

Like a young and naïve girl,

Afraid her gratefulness to show.


March will surely find its way.

It’s free, it’s swift, affectionate.

April will come, and then May.

What a fantastic natures state!


© Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 1st of March, 2012



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<Deleted User> (10123)

Wed 7th Mar 2012 12:52

Is English your 1st language? If not this is truly a masterful attempt.

The X-factor in poetry is an elusive beast but well worth persuing. It takes a lifetime to not find it.
Bring on more please.

Liked it. Ta much.

ps. I found a pastoral poem from 2006. You may like to try it out. Hope you like 'Faint Winter'. Ta much.

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Mike Hilton

Thu 1st Mar 2012 11:45

Nice poem Larisa, it makes you feel as though you've got something to look forward to.


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