The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Some Men Are Just Blind

entry picture


Expressing his love

an elephant called his darling

“You are my dove.”

May be it sounds strange

but I’ve heard when a bear

called his beloved

“You are my bird.”

I’ve heard when a whale,

and it’s not a tale,

called his sweetheart a little fish.

And one crocodile called his wife

“You are my sweetest dish.”

A mole in his dark hole

called his beloved a swallow.

In return he heard:

“You are my lovely fellow.”

After hearing all those words,

after listening to the birds,

a thought has come to my mind:

Some men are just blind.


Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)

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<Deleted User> (8043)

Tue 26th Oct 2010 01:56

Loving this poem, has a great rhythm to it, and a certain elegant air.

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