The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Free Manuscript Reading Service - East of England

entry picture

Don't miss out on this free manuscript reading service from Writers’ Centre Norwich. Deadline for entries: 1st November

Could you do with a professional reading service? Can’t quite afford it?

If you're a serious writer living in the East of England then TLC Free Reads might well be for you. Through this Arts Council England funded scheme you can have your work read by a professional from The Literary Consultancy.

A reading could really help you progress; giving you sage industry advice and the holy grail – honest, constructive feedback. We would like to offer this scheme to writers in the East of England who could otherwise not afford this service.

Find out more at

Any questions? Call 01603 877177 or email:

◄ Freelance Story Group Leader - North West

Poole Literary Festival & Competition ►

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