The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The BIG Weekend with Write Out Loud

entry picture

Write Out Loud would like to invite you to attend a residential weekend in Hebden Bridge where, as well as having lots of fun and poetry, we’ll be telling you about our plans for the future of Write Out Loud, asking for your feedback and for any suggestions you may have for us. But you have to act quickly as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

It’s taking place from 7pm onwards on Friday, 15th October, to 12pm on Sunday, 17th October, at the Hebden Bridge Hostel (see Accommodation is in shared, single gender, high quality, en-suite rooms.

The cost for the whole weekend, including meals, is £75 for residential and £40 non-residential. To reserve your place send a cheque for the appropriate amount, payable to “Write Out Loud”, to:

Sean Kavanagh, 6 John Barker Street, Todmorden, OL14 8HF

The programme for the weekend allows plenty of time to meet and socialise with fellow poets from different areas, and to meet in person those whom you’ve only met online.

For more details contact Sean on 07791 074250 or email him at:


Programme of events

we're still developing the programme but here is the general outline for the weekend

Friday evening

17.00- 19.00      Arrival/meet and greet.

19.00                Intro/welcome/domestics

19.15                Meal (Hot vegetarian soup and bread)

20.00                Washing up and preparing for open-mic

20.30                Themed open-mic


10.00                Wither Write Out Loud? - briefing on our plans and consultation on the future shape of the website.

12.00                Lunch – buffet with cold meats prepared by Sean with volunteer help

14.00                Workshop groups: everyone allocated a group, each tasked with coming up with a poem or poems (perhaps a renga or similar) which will be performed by the group on the Sunday.

Tea/coffee/water will be available during the afternoon.

18.00                Pre-dinner drinks and socialising

19.00                Meal

20.30 – 23.00     The BIG Gig: open-mic plus guest poet - Hammer & Tongue's Steve Larkin. Bring your best work.


10.00                Showcase results of workshops with guest poet judging and offering spot prizes

12.00                The Last Word: some reflections on the consultation, feedback and goodbyes.

13.00                Close.

◄ Downunder Muse: Poetry in Melbourne

New British Poets Reunited in Durham ►

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