The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Blank Pages - Out Now

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The latest issue of Blank pages is out now and features..

Kevin Bradshaw, after his excellent cover feature last month, he's our guest illustrator for August.

An excellent how-to feature from Stuart Douglas of Obverse Books, about starting your own small press, and thay are also featuring the music of Deaf To Van Gogh's Ear, performing at Kro Bar for BlankSounds, Blank Media Collective's new quarterly live music night.

Alongside this, they are publishing work created at the first Imploding Acoustic Inevitable Festival in the Lake District back in June. It's an Exquisite Corpse-style piece straight from the minds of the festival's audience... Make of it what you will...

This is of course on top of the usual high quality poetry, fiction and visual art spotlight.

So take a minute out and relax among the clouds with blankpages... Check it out...!

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