The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Performers Wanted - Contact Theatre, Manchester

entry picture

Wanted: Live artists, performers, poets, painters, music magicians, dancers, chancers, actors, cats and buffoons.

The Event: Akemi presents LIVE ART at the Contact Theatre - 4th October 2010

The Free For Arts Festival 2010 together with Akemi Arts invites you to come and stumble upon a a showcase of talent from far and wide. Expect performance, poetry, video, comedy interactive installations from the likes of Ragga Photo and music from such acts as the wonderful Manchester Blues/folk band Honeyfeet. All are welcome and audience participation is inevitable. So for an unforgettable experience, bring ya boots, shake yourself down and come create.

Submit your proposal by 20th August
Email submissions to:

◄ East Manchester & Tameside Stanza

Submissions Wanted ►

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