The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


Their eyes don't meet with mine,

There's a full stop to the routine 

Chatter at quarter past nine,

An elderly heart whines

For the savings lost 

On fruitless mines,

I get to hear furious yells 

More than the temple bells,

It's a heartbreak weather altogether;

One by one, we lose all our feathers.


The food is served unequally

And there's more on my plate;

They immeasurably sedate

With great love and sacrifice,

It's hard to count the number 

Of times that I've detected 

Their clean white lies.


The sun rises at a different angle,

And it's rays seems entangled

To reach our dark times,

The wind doesn't shake 

The shakeable chimes,

I hear a far-cry of a free-bird 

That's probably stuck in a net;

I've begun to feel greater 

Than the greatest debt. 




◄ Pang of Dread


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Sat 18th Jan 2025 18:54

That Enlightenment of yours I didn't recognize.

That was my mistake.

Just a small difference between flaw and flow.

My apologies.

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