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In Loving Memory Of All The Children

Balorahm ponders, near the town of Evervillage


‘Let’s settle down for awhile. Let’s not occupy ourselves with ambitions. And all the other bad habits we’ve acquisitioned. 


Let’s not push ourselves to the brink of extinction. Just examine the BRICKS, that built this village. Have we not maimed ourselves by being wise? Believing all those lies, in disguise?


Could you describe this town to the blind? Or would you choose the words out of context?

Well there must be such innocence in ignorance. But I understand how easily we’re fooled. 


For I’m sure you have a town like Evervillage. In the archetype of pittoresque villages. And may it look a little bit medieval? Perhaps, you are pondering as well. 


Therefore, I am, Balorahm. 


Therefore I have travelled, to this village in bloom. For I know that The Darkborn will come for me soon. Or perhaps it is one of his minions. The despicable Darkbent, to Evervillage sent. 

Must it all come to pass, so soon?’


Behold! A group of small children (fresh out of school) come happily towards her. Laughing and cheering, they start playing around her. Boys&girls, in all their ignorance&innocence. And Balorahm’s inner child woke, and she played along with them.


* In loving memory of all the children, gone before us * 



In Loving Memory Of All The Children

◄ Legacy Of The Descendants (Balorahm)

Rageghost Assaults The Evervillage ►


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