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performing exquisite arabesques,

adorably, beautifully,

her arms and hands form a curve,

she steps right, then steps left,

legs flexed, she’s en pointe,

soars up on high,

et voilà!

my heart’s



arabesquesen pointe

◄ Imagine…!

A Boat! A Boat! ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 1st Dec 2024 11:23

Thanks for the likes:
Red Brick Keshner
K. Lynn
David RL Moore
Tobani / Nataiella
Yanma Hidayah

Never having previously written a nonet, I thought I’d try to arrange the syllables symetrically… probably my musical instinct taking over.
Line one, 3+3+3; line two, 4+4, etc…
the exception to that being "et voilà!" 1+2 (blooming French!).

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