Moustachioed man
Do you see the man with the ridiculous 'tache,
behind women in corsets and flowery hats?
Some say he's a rake and a cad, and not very nice.
So take my advice, and avoid him at all costs.
He's not a gent at all, but a fantasist with no sense of smell,
who never washes his socks, as you'll learn
if you ever stay at Vose Hall.
The surroundings are splendid indeed,
and if he's feeling generous,
you'll enjoy a good feed,
by donning the nosebag with the
horses in the stable.
Like a child he loves to come out and play
with horsey types,
and cry 'Neigh!' in the depths of the night.
Oh, did I not tell you, he's unstable?
Kevin Vose
Tue 14th Jan 2025 18:44
Thanks, I made that up fairly quickly. Have you seen my latest one?