The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.


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That time has arrived, when, in England
To thrive n stay alive, 
We must learn how not to offend
The pointless book ends of the woke,
Those who can not take a joke
Without choking on the very cheek of it.
Rhetoric will be banned, 
As will the rising intonation in conversation
Suggesting a statement
May well be a question? 
No originality of thought allowed.
No challenging of the conventional, the orthodox, the accepted version.
Algorithms will be taught by rote
And nobody will be allowed to take a toke
And say fuck it, I'll just tell it as it is,
Or s/he'll get three years inside.
We can no longer hide the fact 
In the UK there is no right of free speech,
unlike in the USA where: Congress shall make no law.... prohibiting the free exercise, or abridging of, freedom
of speech




◄ Ensanguining the skies

Pagan ►


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